Leadership Theories

Leadership Theories

Theories on Leadership

Learn how and why certain individuals become leaders, theoretical approach on leadership and how to apply leadership in the real-world organizations.

TechnoFunc brings to you various theories on leadership to advance your understanding of different approaches to leadership and learn new ways to practice leadership more effectively. Start building your foundations of Leadership. There is a wide and ever growing interest and different schools of thoughts in the study of leadership as it's so important for success of individual, organization and nations. Over time, a number of theories of leadership have been proposed to explain the concept and complexities of the leadership process. Quickly enhance your leadership skills and boost your leadership abilities.! 

Definition of Leadership

Definition of Leadership

Leadership has been defined in different ways by different sets of scholars. In very simple terms leadership can be defined as the skill of a person to influence an individual or a group for achievement of a goal in a given situation. One can use different dimensions and perspectives to define leadership. Through the evolution of leadership thought, leadership has been defined in various ways discussed here.

Emergent Leadership Theory

Emergent Leadership Theory

In emergent leadership, the leader is not appointed or elected to the leadership role but emerges as the leader as he is perceived by others over time as a result of the group's interaction. A person steps up as the leader over time by taking on tasks voluntarily, helping others complete their tasks better, and building consensus among groups.

Enviornment Approach

Enviornment Approach

According to Environmental theories of leadership, a leader needs to deal effectively with environmental complexities and lead in a certain style as a result of environmental responses. Environmental influenced leadership demand leaders to learn how to adjust environmental factors. Leaders also have the responsibility of creating the right kind of environment for their followers by focusing on environmental factors and pressures.

Factors of Leadership

Factors of Leadership

There are four major factors in leadership called Leader, Follower, Communication, and Situation. The success of the leader is dependent on how the leader is effectively able to communicate and motivate followers to perform desired tasks using the appropriate leadership style best suited for the given situation. Interdependencies and dynamics of these four factors of leadership must be considered by a leader to be effective.

Fiedler Model of Leadership

Fiedler Model of Leadership

The Fiedler Model of leadership is a contingency theory and states that a leader's effectiveness is based on the situation. There is no one best style of leadership and the effectiveness of a leader in an organization depends on matching the leader to the situation. Leaders should determine the natural leadership style and assess the situation to flex the style.

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