Career Management

Career Management

Leadership Skills – Career Management

“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.”

TechnoFunc brings to you tools and approaches you can use to manage your career successfully. Career management is the lifelong process of investing in you to achieve your career goals. Career management is not a singular event but a continuing process, and no one other than you can manage your career. You own the responsibility to manage your own career. Career Management is a necessity for adapting to the changing demands of today’s competitive business world. Whether we are in the early phase of our work life or a seasoned professional, we all understand that we need to be responsible for our careers, however, what we may not know is what career management is and how we do it!

Articles and video tutorials under this section help you to develop your career in various ways. We start with helping you explore what you want to do with your career, what are your career preferences and how to future proof your career, and to get ready for your next promotion.

Improving Skills & Competencies

Improving Skills & Competencies

Whenever you are looking for a job or having your yearend discussion with your manager, two terms generally referred to be “Skills” and “competencies”. Today success in a career is an outcome of having essential competencies and building required skills. Skills could be a major distinguishing factor for you to move up on the career ladder and jump from one role to another. Leadership skills when combined with relevant domain and functional expertise can transform your entire career growth and help you have a fulfilling career. 

Tips for Career Progression

Tips for Career Progression

Navigating your career journey will hopefully include a series of experiences that challenge your skills and abilities in ways that are satisfying and rewarding. Only you can manage your career. That means you must determine what things you are passionate about, what your goals are, both professionally and personally, and how much energy you are willing to invest along the way. Learn how to build an effective career path framework for yourself.

What is a Career Path

What is a Career Path

In the early years, most jobs were skill-oriented, and with the development in lifestyles and technology, the current jobs are knowledge-oriented jobs such as management, accountants, design, or computing. Career paths encompass varied forms of career progression and this article discusses how we can build a fulfilling career? Learn here about career paths, industries, and opportunities for gaining experience in the field of your choosing.

Guide to Technical Leadership Skills

Guide to Technical Leadership Skills

Technical leaders care about building amazing products and the best technical capabilities in their teams. Everything they do is focused on improving the user experience and bringing competitive advantage for their organization. Learn the skills and competencies you need to build a technical career path for yourself that starts with building technical expertise and grows into developing technical leadership.

Assess Your Career Values

Assess Your Career Values

The best career choices are ones that match your values. Each person has several values that are important to him. These values are highly personal and knowing them provides a clearer sense of what's most important to you in your life and career. Career values are the beliefs you consider important from a work standpoint. Values help you understand what you want from a job? Explore a few examples of work values that can influence career path and job satisfaction.

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