Insurance Domain

Insurance Domain

Insurance Industry – Domain Knowledge

Looking for knowledge and key business information on the Insurance industry?

TechnoFunc brings to you Insurance industry overview, business model, value chain, competitive landscape, and latest trends. Insurance is a contract between two parties, the insurer or the insurance company and the insured or the person seeking insurance, whereby the insurer agrees to hedge the risk of the insured against some specified future events or losses, in return for a regular payment from the insured as premium. The insurance industry is comprised of a variety of stakeholders and supplies products and services that are designed to protect businesses and individuals from risks. The insurance industry players provide risk coverage to their clients and simultaneously need to manage their own risks to ensure competitiveness and profitability of their business model. Insurance companies adopt strategies that are unique to the environment they operate in to overcome these challenges and to propel growth and market share in a global environment. This section helps the learners understand key concepts, terminology, issues, and challenges associated with the insurance industry.

Learn the various dynamics and challenges in the domain of Insurance Industry. Quickly enhance your business acumen and talk like an expert and impress your stakeholders in your next meeting! 

What is General Insurance Industry?

What is General Insurance Industry?


General Insurance industry providers perform an essential function in today's economy. General insurance is typically defined as any insurance that is not determined to be life insurance. Depending on the type of occupation, risk exposure, and the money involved, the insurance could be different for each industry or business. In underwriting insurance policies, general insurers earn premiums that they further invest.

What is Reinsurance Industry?

What is Reinsurance Industry?

A primary insurer purchases reinsurance to limit its exposure, usually to one specific type of risk, thereby diversifying its book of risk. Businesses in this industry focus on assuming all or part of the risk associated with existing insurance policies originally underwritten by direct insurance carriers. In other words, the primary activity of this industry is insuring insurance companies. Reinsurance occurs when multiple insurance companies share risk by purchasing insurance policies from other insurers.

The Business Model of Insurance Industry

The Business Model of Insurance Industry

The insurance industry business model can be further categorized into two types of main activities, service domain, and support domain. Service domain activities make up the company's value chain and the support domain provides the infrastructure and support to sustain the value chain. Support activities may include corporate services, finance, human resources, or information systems, and technology. 

Principles of Insurance

Principles of Insurance

This article helps the student to understand the legal principles and provisions of the insurance law. Starting with the fundamentals from which law is derived, this article helps the student to understand the salient aspects of any insurance contract, the rights and obligations of parties to the contract, and the legal environment within which insurance practice is carried out. Explore the seven most important principles of insurance.

Parties in the Contract of Insurance

Parties in the Contract of Insurance

There are two parties in the contract of Insurance. Understand these parties and their definition in the contract of insurance. Learners will learn about the key stakeholders in the insurance business along with a classification of internal and external stakeholders.

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