What is Project Management

What is Project Management

Are you leading or involved in projects that are critical to your business or your team or your organization? What are the challenges you face while managing these projects? Do you feel yourself to be in control of the project and are able to track all deliverables to get successfully completed by the deadline? Do you have methodologies, clear processes, and systems in place to manage your projects? Are your projects able to meet the business objectives they intended to achieve?

This section of our website is targeted at individuals who manage projects as a primary function of their work. Continue with these tutorials to gain an operational understanding of the basic concepts and tools of project management as well as advanced tools to manage the real-world challenges you will face. We will start with the basic concepts and tools and slowly move to advanced topics improving your project management skills.

We will address the core concepts behind “Project Management” and help you navigate through the real-world challenges and troubleshoot problems that may be affecting your project team’s performance and work. We will give you tools to deal with miscommunications, conflicts, or sagging loyalties that get in the way of high performance. We will also give you an opportunity and toolkit to put those concepts into practice during the learning sessions.

Some of the objectives that we have tried to address while creating these tutorials are:

1. Exposure to real business projects with high business impact
2. How to create a well-defined project with clear deliverables
3. Tools and concepts behind defining project scope, detailed guidelines
4. Moving from theoretical concepts to a great learning experience
5. Short and precise structured course output
6. Exposure to best practices and good use of project management tools
7. How to leverage very good teamwork during projects
8. How to ensure the impact of the project on pre-defined business objectives?
9. Ensuring that the participant learn & apply project management tools & techniques
10. Time & commitment impact – for the participant, you and for your team
11. Impact of learning on your role - does participant is able to apply some of the skills & knowledge learned on actual job
12. Developing people and ensuring the learning has an impact on the performance
13. Help participants better understand the strategy & challenges of their own businesses
14. Tools to make people aware of cultural differences between geographies/businesses
15. Enhancing the ability to see the big picture
16. Increased hands-on knowledge & understanding of other functions within the organization
17. Understand the power of best practice sharing - “participant will start looking for connection within the business before doing things by himself”
18. International best practices that can be applied in business projects
19. Guidance on applying tools & knowledge
20. Increased self-confidence - “Participant is now able to voice her opinion & challenge others in the meeting. He/She drives project more proactively”
21. An eye-opener on a variety of career paths “participant is realizing there are other options available for them than a current role for her next move”
22. Noticeable improvement in leadership skills
23. The participant is using the new network to get fresh ideas/advice
24. The project gave visibility & exposure to the participant
25. Developing presentation skills
26. Tools to evaluate what can be done differently
27. Practical, real-world project management examples (Customer Focus)
28. Career Benefits - More & wider responsibilities within the same department; New role (lateral move, promotion); Move to the management role
29. Make participants aware that the higher they go, the more they will have to work on things in parallel
30. How do you manage everything; how do you set priorities, resources, etc.?
31. Prepare participants for bigger roles; How to deal with uncertainty?
32. Other areas of development - Teamwork … collaboration…

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Creation Date Monday, 25 June 2012 Hits 7855

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