Written by Super User on . Posted in ERP Domain.

Oracle Alerts

Oracle Alert is a flexible, automated, exception management and reporting tool that can be defined to execute certain actions based on other data occurrences in the database.. In this article, we will provide an overview of Oracle Alerts, its functionality, and usage and how they can be set up and triggered.

Features of Periodic & Event Driven Alerts

  1. Event alerts are triggered to execute based on pre-defined data conditions.
  2. Periodic alerts can be configured to execute as often as you need during a 24-hour period, once per week or once per month.

Alerts consist of a CHECK and an ACTION step.

  1. The CHECK step identifies necessary data points that are further used in the ACTION step.
  2. The ACTION step can send the necessary data to an email system, or can further update database values as a result of the triggering event or the data values returned from the CHECK step.

Alert Response management: